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Hello, I'm

Ryan-Lee Robinson

Recent Graduate

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8 Months
Backend Development

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B.Sc. Computer Science Bachelors Degree

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JustIT Software Engineering

I am a recent computer science grad with a passion for coding. I have used multiple languages including Java, C#, TypeScript, Python, Kotlin, Swift, C++ and C. My degree and experience as a backend volunteer has given me knowledge in tools, frameworks and libraries used in the industry. Whether it's frameworks like Spring/Spring Boot for web development, JUnit for testing, React for frontend or applying concepts like design patterns, internationalisation, threads to increase cohesion and readability, I am able to use it in an object-oriented language.
My voluntary gave me experience in DropWizard to create a website in Java, unit testing, GitHub in a professional environment, SQL store data from a server to a database, depedencies in in an XML file and more.

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Bachelors Degree

I graduated with a computer science degree at Hertfordshire University. I studied many modules leading to different industries in the subject whether it was AI, networking or forensics. My passion though was software development. I also had an interest in networking, specifically ethical hacking.

Backend Engineer

I volunteered as a backend engineer role at Knus Mental Health, a charity in Central London. I worked in an agile framework with five other people.

The teams job was to design and implement a website for the charity which would include messaging serive for users to message staff and AI to assist the client through the website.
My role was to write and conducts tests in JUnit to ensure the website is running as it should.

JustIT Bootcamp

I completed a 12 week software engineering course at JustIT. I learned many topics which I did not come across in my degree, especially in frontend development. For example, how inheritance is used in HTML/CSS.

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This is my first Java project which translates questions and jokes in English, French and Spanish. A few concepts used are:

  • The four core OOP concepts (inheritance, polymorphism abstraction, encapsulation).

  • Individualised event-handling to increase cohesion and readability.

  • Property files for storing the key pair values and to translate the program into the languages.



I did this for my final year project in my degree. It is a social media program which allows users to create an account and group chats for other users to join and message each other. Concepts include:

  • Sockets to create a localhost.

  • Threads to execute the server and client class at the same time.

  • Code in SQL to connect to the server and pass the users first and last name, email, password and group name and password) to the database I created in PHPMyAdmin.

Project 3

Single Factory

This is my C# project which contains Singleton and Factory Design Pattern.

Apple and Samsung are the Singleton and the Factory class is the Factory which contains the abstract method to create an object of the subclasses that inherit from the interface, IScreenType.

Design patterns are a concept in itself, but use other coding concepts. Factory reduces coupling, applies the Single Responsibility Principle and Open/Closed Principle.

quiz picture

Who Wants to be a Software Engineer

This is the first project I did in my JustIT course and is a quiz which will test the user on what they know about the coding industry, from companies to syntax.

java riddle

The Quest

This is my third Java project and is a riddle game called Space Wars against Terraworld (SWAT). You are an admiral of a team who must engage and win battles with enemies. You will then be expected to undertake some battles and winning one will bring you gains (bit coins) and increase your war chest. Losing a battle will cost you and decrease your war chest.

This project uses interfaces, enumeration classes, serialisation, Swing/AWT and the four core concepts.

cinema system

Cinema Reservation System

This is my JavaScript project. It allows users to reserve seats at a cinema for a movie of their selection. It includes available and unavailable seats, the prices of each movie and the total cost of the seats and movie.

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